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Turn markdown files into a beautiful documentation hub.

Getting up and running takes only 5 minutes
1. npm install -g yo


2. npm install -g generator-docbase


3. yo docbase

Welcome to
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Docbase is live at:

Docbase can read markdown projects from github or local filesystem.

A github first workflow
Docbase is designed to work well with your github workflow. It can:

  1. read markdown projects from a github repository.
  2. deploy docbase to gh-pages.
  3. provide github enabled editing.
  4. integrate with travis-ci for continuous deployment.
Built-in realtime search
Docbase generates an offline search index for the docs. When published, it creates a beautiful search bar with realtime ( ) auto completion and highlighting support.
It's colorful
Docs should look beautiful. Docbase is designed with customization in mind so it can adapt to your theme colors.

Just yo docbase and provide a valid css color for your theme (like green, rgb(100,150,200), #ffb14c)
Works at all sizes

Some popular markdown documentation websites served with docbase.

EmberJS Guide

EmberJS is a popular Javascript MVC framework. Their docs are written in markdown and organized in a structure that can be supported by Docbase. Check them below.

Redis Docs

Redis is one of the most popular datastructure database out there. With 250+ commands and numerous topics, we thought's docs are ideal to test docbase's limits.

Airbnb JS style guide

Airbnb's popular JS style guide served with Docbase.