ContributorsLast modified on: Apr 2, 2016


Docbase is a full-featured documentation hub for .md projects of all size. It comes with a versioning feature baked right in.


Documentation evolves over time and docbase allows creating versions to reflect this evolution.

Version switcher also works with internationalization, say you want to show language options like EN, ES, PT.

Searching for terms shows results filtered by versions.

How to create versions

|__ root
|   |__ path
|       |__ v1
|       |   |__ topic1
|       |       |__
|       |       |__
|       |__ v2
|           |__ ...

For reading .md, docbase takes the root and a relative path from root which forms the location from where docbase starts reading the .md files.

versions are directories inside the root/path location. For creating a new version, you create a new directory.

You can read more about the directory structure that docbase confirms to here.