Quick Start
This is a quick start guide for getting up and running with your docbase project.
Docbase turns your markdown documentation project into a collaborative HTML site. It:
- fetches the markdown files and layout from a Github hosted repository (or a local filesystem)
- renders it as a beautiful single HTML site
- presents docs in gorgeous colorful themes, and it’s responsive!
- deploys to gitHub pages
- works with travis-ci
- has no server-side components
- comes baked with a delightful search experience
- is open source under an MIT License
Getting Started
Docbase comes with a yeoman generator that does all of the above with a simple yo docbase
1. npm install -g yo
2. npm install -g generator-docbase
3. yo docbase
Welcome to
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Docbase is live at
Generator options
Hosting your .md project
1. Where is your .md project hosted? (Use arrow keys)
❯ Magic *(۞ ͜ ۞)*
External URL
Docbase can read markdown files from Github, filesystem, or an external URL (like bitbucket, your own servers). In addition, docbase generator provides a magic mode where it generates a boilerplate markdown project for you to get started, isn’t that sweet!
When using Github as a source to read .md files, docbase asks you for a personal access token. A token with publichelps docbase to not be rate-limited by Github. Generating one is easy, you can read about it here.
Publishing docbase
2. Where would you like to publish? (Use arrow keys)
❯ Locally
Github pages (with travis-ci)
Docbase can publish locally, where you can serve the project via an HTTP server. It creates a build_html/
directory which is the entire static site.
An alternative to local publishing is deploying to gh-pages. Docbase does this by integrating with travis-ci. This option is great for production use as travis-ci generates the docs on every commit.
Pick your theme
3. Choose your primary theme color (say green, #abcdef) (firebrick)
Docbase is colorful. It let’s you change the theme color easily - a color can have any css supported value. Some valid values are: oceanblue, red, #50ABFF, rgb(100, 150, 200).
Even beyond the colorful themes, docbase is easy to extend.
Project Structure
Once you have the project working, this is how the directory structure would look like:
|_ GruntFile.js
|_ boilerplate_docs
| |_ v1
| |_ howtostart
| |_ starting.md
|_ search-index.json
|_ build_html
| |_ v1
| |_ howtostart
| |_ starting.html
|_ docbase-config.js
|_ .travis.yml
|_ .gitignore
|_ images
|_ index.html
|_ html
|_ styles
| |_ style.css
| |_ theme.css
|_ js
| |_ docbase.js
|_ package.json
|_ bower.json
|_ bower_components
|_ node_modules
Docbase’s generator creates:
- executes the task of converting .md docs to HTML.docbase-config.js
- configuration file built based on the preferences provided in the generator.styles/theme.css
- css style file generated based on the primary theme color.build_html/
- output HTML site generated based on the source .md project.boilerplate_docs/
- Docbase generated .md docs for quick start in magic mode, can be safely ignored.search-index.json
- Site’s search index file (generated when publishing locally)..travis.yml
- A configuration file telling travis how to build the project. (generated when publishing to github pages)
For understanding the configuration options in more detail, check out the next guide on docbase config options.