
ReactiveGoogleMap Image

A ReactiveGoogleMap creates a data-driven map UI component using Google Maps. It is the key component for building map based experiences.

Example uses:

  • showing a map of user checkins by city and topics for powering discovery based experiences.
  • displaying restaurants filtered by a nearby distance query on a map.


Basic Usage

    title="Venue Location Map"

Usage With All Props

    title="Venue Location Map"
    defaultCenter={{ lat: 37.74, lng: -122.45 }}


    // 'react' defines when and how the map component should update
      and: "CitySensor"

    // map events

    // less useful props


  • componentId String unique identifier of the component, can be referenced in other components’ react prop.
  • dataField String DB data field to be connected to the component’s UI view, usually of a geopoint (i.e. location) data type and used for rendering the markers on the map.
  • size Number [optional] number of results to show in the map view, can be a number in the range [1, 1000]. Defaults to 100.
  • defaultZoom Number [optional] preset map’s zoom level, accepts integer values between [0, 20]. 0 is the minimum zoom level, where you can see the entire globe. 20 is the maximum zoom level. Defaults to 13.
  • defaultCenter Object [optional] preset map’s center position by specifying an object with valid lat and lng values. This prop, when set, will cause the component to run a geo-distance query with a distance of 10mi (Refer: defaultRadius and unit prop to configure the distance).
  • center Object [optional] set map’s center position by specifying an object with valid lat and lng values. This prop, when set, will cause the component to run a geo-distance query with a distance of 10mi (Refer: defaultRadius and unit prop to configure the distance).
  • defaultRadius Number [optional] used as distance value for the geo-distance query when defaultCenter or center is set. It accepts all positive integers.
  • loader String or JSX [optional] display to show the user while the data is loading, accepts String or JSX markup.
  • unit String [optional] unit for distance measurement, uses mi (for miles) by default. Distance units can be specified from the following: screenshot
  • showMapStyles Boolean [optional] whether to show map styles dropdown picker in the map UI. Defaults to true.
  • defaultMapStyle String [optional] preset a map style for the map UI. Available options include “Standard”, “Blue Essence”, “Blue Water”, “Flat Map”, “Light Monochrome”, “Midnight Commander”, “Unsaturated Browns”.
  • showMarkers Boolean [optional] whether to show the markers on the map, defaults to true. Sometimes, it doesn’t make sense to display markers (when building a heatmap or weather map or a directions navigation map)
  • defaultPin String [optional] URL of the default marker pin image to be shown. It comes with a default image. Should only be set if you wish to use a custom marker.
  • showMarkerClusters Boolean [optional] whether to aggregate and form a cluster of nearby markers. Defaults to true.


It requires showMarkers prop enabled.

  • showSearchAsMove Boolean [optional] whether to show the Search As I Move checkbox in the UI. Defaults to true.
  • searchAsMove Boolean [optional] whether to set the Search As I Move checkbox. Defaults to false.
  • onPopoverClick function [optional] a function that takes one argument for getting a marker’s data and returns an HTML markup to be displayed in the popover box.
  • autoClosePopover Boolean [optional] automatically closes the exisiting open popovers when onPopoverClick gets fired. Defaults to false.
  • stream Boolean [optional] whether to stream new result (aka realtime view) updates in the UI. Defaults to false.
  • react Object specify dependent components to reactively update GeoDistanceDropdown’s options. Read more about it here.

    • key String one of and, or, not defines the combining clause.

      • and clause implies that the results will be filtered by matches from all of the associated component states.
      • or clause implies that the results will be filtered by matches from at least one of the associated component states.
      • not clause implies that the results will be filtered by an inverse match of the associated component states.
    • value String or Array or Object

      • String is used for specifying a single component by its componentId.
      • Array is used for specifying multiple components by their componentId.
      • Object is used for nesting other key clauses.
  • autoCenter Boolean [optional] whether to auto center the map based on the geometric center of all the location markers. Defaults to false.
  • streamAutoCenter Boolean [optional] whether to auto center the map based on the geometric center of all the location markers while stream prop is set to true. Defaults to false.

  • className String CSS class to be injected on the component container.
  • style Object CSS style object to be applied to the ReactiveGoogleMap component.
  • renderData function event fired when one or more markers are indexed, updated or removed from the map. It takes an object with the following formats (label, icon, custom):
// To render the given text in the marker
renderData={result => ({
    label: result.title,

// To render a marker image
renderData={result => ({
    icon: '',

// To render a custom markup (as label) in the marker position
renderData={result => ({
    custom: (<div>{result.mag}</div>),
  • renderAllData function use to display results and map component together. Usage:

    renderAllData={(hits, streamHits, loadMore, renderMap, renderPagination) => {
        // hits are the results returned from query.
        // streamHits are the results which are returned only  when stream prop is true.
        // loadMore is used to load more results.
        // renderMap is the function which is used to render Map.
        // renderPagination is the function which is used to render Pagination like in ReactiveList.
                { => JSON.stringify(hit))}
  • renderError String or JSX or Function [optional] can be used to render an error message in case of any error.

renderError={(error) => (
            Something went wrong!<br/>Error details<br/>{error}
  • onError Function [optional] gets triggered in case of an error and provides the error object, which can be used for debugging or giving feedback to the user if needed.



ReactiveGoogleMap component supports innerClass prop with the following keys:

  • title
  • input
  • list
  • checkboxContainer
  • checkbox
  • label
  • select
  • icon
  • count
  • button
  • pagination
  • active


ReactiveGoogleMap with all the default props

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