

ResultList creates a result list UI component to display results in a list layout, suited for data that needs a compact display.

Example uses:

  • showing e-commerce search listings.
  • showing filtered hotel booking results.


An alternative layout to ResultList is a ResultCard, which displays result data in a card layout.


Basic Usage

    methods: {
        booksList(data) {
            return {
                title: data.original_title,
                image: data.image,
                description: `
                            <em>by ${data.authors}</em>
                            <b>${data.average_rating}</b> ⭐
                        <span>Pub ${data.original_publication_year}</span>

Usage With All Props

  loader="Loading Books.."
    and: ["BookRatings", "SearchSensor"]


  • componentId String
    unique identifier of the component, can be referenced in other components’ react prop.

  • dataField String
    data field to be connected to the component’s UI view. It is useful for providing a sorting context i.e. results would be sorted based on the dataField.

  • excludeFields String Array [optional]
    fields to be excluded in search results.

  • includeFields String Array [optional]
    fields to be included in search results.

  • stream Boolean [optional]
    whether to stream new result updates in the UI. Defaults to false. stream: true is appended to the streaming hit objects, which can be used to selectively react to streaming changes (eg. showing fade in animation on new streaming hits, Twitter/Facebook like streams, showing the count of new feed items available like 2 New Tweets)

  • pagination Boolean [optional]
    pagination <> infinite scroll switcher. Defaults to false, i.e. an infinite scroll based view. When set to true, a pagination based list view with page numbers will appear.

  • paginationAt String [optional]
    Determines the position where to show the pagination, only applicable when pagination prop is set to true. Accepts one of top, bottom or both as valid values. Defaults to bottom.

  • pages Number [optional]
    number of user selectable pages to be displayed when pagination is enabled. Defaults to 5.

  • sortBy String [optional]
    sort the results by either asc or desc order. It is an alternative to sortOptions, both can’t be used together.

  • sortOptions Object Array [optional]
    an alternative to the sortBy prop, sortOptions creates a sorting view in the resultlist component’s UI. Each array element is an object that takes three keys:

    • label - label to be displayed in the UI.
    • dataField - data field to use for applying the sorting criteria on.
    • sortBy - specified as either asc or desc.
  • size Number [optional]
    number of results to show per view. Defaults to 10.

  • loader String|scoped-slot [optional]
    display to show the user while the data is loading, accepts String or JSX markup.

  • showResultStats Boolean [optional]
    whether to show result stats in the form of results found and time taken. Defaults to true.

  • react Object [optional]
    a dependency object defining how this component should react based on the state changes in the sensor components.

  • URLParams Boolean [optional]
    when set adds the current page number to the url. Only works when pagination is enabled.

  • renderData Function|scoped-slot [optional]
    returns a list element object to be rendered based on the res data object. This callback function prop is called for each data item rendered in the ResultList component’s view.

            return {
                title: data.original_title,
                image: data.image,
                description: `
                            <em>by ${data.authors}</em>
                            <b>${data.average_rating}</b> ⭐
                        <span>Pub ${data.original_publication_year}</span>
                    on: {
                        mouseenter: () => console.log('😄'),
                        mouseleave: () => console.log('🚀')
  • renderResultStats Function|scoped-slot [optional] renders custom result stats using a callback function that takes stats object as parameter and expects it to return a string or html. stats object contains following properties

    • totalResults - Total number of results found
    • totalPages - Total number of pages found based on current page size
    • currentPage - Current page number for which data is being rendered
    • displayedResults - Number of results displayed in current view
    • time - Time taken to find total results

              return (
                  `Showing ${stats.displayedResults} of total ${stats.totalResults} in ${stats.time} ms`
  • defaultQuery Function [optional]
    applies a default query to the result component. This query will be run when no other components are being watched (via React prop), as well as in conjunction with the query generated from the React prop. The function should return a query.

  • onNoResults String [optional]
    show custom message or component when no results founds.



resultlist component supports innerClass prop with the following keys:

  • resultsInfo
  • sortOptions
  • resultStats
  • noResults
  • button
  • pagination
  • active
  • list
  • poweredBy

Read more about it here.


resultlist component can be extended to

  1. customize the look and feel with className,
  2. render individual result data items using renderData,
  3. connect with external interfaces using queryChange.
    function({ item }) {
          { }
    function(prevQuery, nextQuery) {
      // use the query with other js code
      console.log('prevQuery', prevQuery);
      console.log('nextQuery', nextQuery);
  • className String
    CSS class to be injected on the component container.
  • renderData Function|scoped-slot [optional]
    a callback function or scoped-slot where user can define how to render the view based on the data changes.


The streamResults parameter will be [] unless stream prop is set to true. Check the handling streaming guide for more info.


  • queryChange
    is an event which accepts component’s prevQuery and nextQuery as parameters. It is called everytime the component’s query changes. This event is handy in cases where you want to generate a side-effect whenever the component’s query would change.

  • pageChange
    called when the current page is changed. If not defined, window will be scrolled to the top of the page.

  • pageClick accepts a function which is invoked with the updated page value when a pagination button is clicked. For example if ‘Next’ is clicked with the current page number as ‘1’, you would receive the value ‘2’ as the function parameter.

  • data Function [optional] gets triggered after data changes, which returns an object with these properties: results, streamResults, loadMore, base & triggerClickAnalytics.

  • resultStats Function [optional] gets triggered after stats changes, which returns an object with these properties:

    • totalResults - Total number of results found
    • totalPages - Total number of pages found based on current page size
    • currentPage - Current page number for which data is being rendered
    • displayedResults - Number of results displayed in current view
    • time - Time taken to find total results


The fundamental difference between pageChange and pageClick is that pageClick is only called on a manual interaction with the pagination buttons, whereas, pageChange would also be invoked if some other side effects caused the results to update which includes updating filters, queries or changing pages. The behaviour of these two may change in the future versions as we come up with a better API.

  • error invoked when query listener throws any error